Cultivating detachment to lead a calm and purposeful life

…as well as questions and thoughts about your own mortality. I certainly welcome your feedback, comments, suggestions and recommendations. If you have lost a loved one and are now on a quest to lead a calm, purposeful life, perhaps you are seeking support to move things forward. You might be looking for someone who can hold a calm space to think clearly and receive encouragement to pursue meaningful work, or even build a new life. Please get in tou…

Invite Suraj to speak

…college; university young professionals religious & spiritual groups local communities & councils companies & business groups Invite Suraj to speak and facilitate an engaging workshop at your next event, whether online or in person. Visiting a town near you Although Suraj is primarily based in London, England, he may be visiting a town near you. Invite him to speak at an event when he visits your town or request a special visit at some other time….